Celebrating 17 Years of REAL TEA!
To celebrate their 17th Birthday, teapigs will be giving away free tea from their purpose built tea truck on Wednesday 18th October 2023.
teapigs free tea day celebration

This year, rather than working with cafes and restaurants serving teapigs to grab a free cup of tea, the UK’s No.1 super premium tea brand teapigs will be roaming around the city and spreading the tea love from their tea truck.
The colourful truck will only be spending a short time in each location – but you’ll be able to choose from a hot cup of caffeine free tea for on the go, or a single serve, perfectly wrapped tea temple, that you can take back to your office or frankly anywhere you want to brew it up!
Here are the details, and remember, limited time in each location and the tea is free only whilst stock lasts!
tea truck location on free tea day
7:30am-10am | 36 Queen's Road Central
11:30am-2pm | 32 Hoi Kwong Street
4:30pm-6:30pm | Grand Millennium Plaza
tea serving on free tea day
We’ve picked our top 4 sellers (which all happen to be caffeine-free) to serve out to the public on free tea day:
Tea fans are encouraged to stop by for a complimentary cuppa, snap pics of the iconic teapigs truck, and share the tea love on social media by tagging @teapigshk and using #teapigsfreeteaday.
Some reputable teapigs stockists in Hong Kong are listed below:
Restaurants & Cafes